Svi vlasnici Sony Ericssonovih modela temeljenih na Androidu napon su dočekali i službenu potvrdu iz Sony Ericsson o nadogradnji njihovih uređaja na Android 2.1. Naime, do sada su ovi modeli vrtjeli već zastarjeli Android 1.6, a nadogradnja je obećavana i odgađana nekoliko puta. S ovom nadogradnjom trebao je stići i toliko željeni multitouch, koji je odavno već sastavni dio svih novijih smartphone uređaja, no to se izgleda nije dogodilo, ali model X10 dobiva video snimanje u HD rezoluciji. Nadogradnja će u Skandinavskom zemljam biti dostupna u nedjelju 31.10.2010. a slijedećih dana i u ostatku starog kontinenta.
U nastavku detalji
Xperia X10:
• HD video recording with continuous auto-focus for high quality videos
• Upgrade of the Android platform to Android 2.1
• New back up and restore application, with extended content back up
• 5 homescreens for apps, widgets, shortcuts and folders
• Social phonebook which automatically syncs contact pictures from Facebook and shows when your friends are online
Xperia X10 mini and X10 mini pro:
• Improved Bluetooth functionality with support for sending and receiving pictures, contacts and more
• New backup and restore application with extended content back up
• Automatic synchronization of your contact pictures between Facebook and your phone book
• Improved ways of handling pictures, audio, text and numbers in your messages
• Upgrade of the Android platform to Android platform 2.1
In most markets, your phone will automatically let you know with a notification when the update is ready for your specific software version and then you will be guided to how to perform the update using the PC Companion software. In that process, because of this being a big update, you will also be guided through some steps to be able to backup personal data before the update and then restore it when the update is finished.