Još jedna epizoda sapunice privremeno besplatnih i sniženih aplikacija u Google Play trgovini je pred nama. Kao i svaki put, trajanje akcije je ograničeno, zato požurite.
- The Lost Lands:Dinosaur Hunter
- Stories: Your Choice (more diamonds and tickets)
- Tap N' Drop: Ball in Basket
- Learn Mandarin - HSK 1 Hero
- Space Block Crush (NoADs)
Ikonice i pozadinske slike
- Forest 2 Premium
- Door Kickers
- Eight-Minute Empire
- Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis
- Istanbul: Digital Edition
- Nobunaga's Shadow (Ninja RPG)
- Nomads of the Fallen Star
- Star Nomad 2 (Oreo+)
- Steam: Rails to Riches
- The Room Two
- The Room Three
- The Room: Old Sins
- Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord
- Urban legend : Shin Hayarigami – Blindman
- Crossroads: Roguelike RPG Dungeon Crawler
- Dealer’s Life - Pawn Shop Tycoon
- DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
- Star Traders RPG Elite
- Talisman: The Horus Heresy